Posts by category: Martial Arts

In Aikido (martial arts) how do you get your 'ki'?

In Aikido (martial arts) how do you get your 'ki'?

14 Mar 2023

Aikido is a martial art which focuses on the use of ‘ki’, or spiritual energy. To access one’s ‘ki’, practitioners need to learn how to sense and move with the energy around them. This is done through breathing exercises, physical movements, and meditation. Each of these practices helps to build an awareness of the energy in the environment, and also to cultivate the inner energy within oneself. By combining these practices, one can learn to use their ‘ki’ to defend themselves, move with grace, and to find balance in their lives. With dedicated practice and patience, any martial artist can learn to master the use of their ‘ki’.

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Can you use Aikido aggressively and very effectively in a fight?

Can you use Aikido aggressively and very effectively in a fight?

6 Mar 2023

Aikido is a Japanese martial art which focuses on defending and redirecting an attacker's energy, rather than attacking. In a fight, Aikido can be used aggressively and effectively, by using simple techniques such as joint locks and throws. Rather than using the attacker's force against them, Aikido practitioners use their own energy to control the situation. The key to using Aikido aggressively is to maintain control and remain calm, so that the practitioner can sense the attacker's movements and respond accordingly. With proper training, Aikido can be used to effectively and safely control a fight.

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Does Judo complement Aikido and vice versa?

Does Judo complement Aikido and vice versa?

28 Feb 2023

Judo and Aikido are two martial arts which have both similarities and differences. Judo consists of a wide range of throws, joint locks and pins, while Aikido focuses on redirecting an attacker’s energy and using their force against them. Although they are different in their approach, they are complementary and can be used together in the same way as a complete system of self-defence. Practising both arts at the same time can help to build a more complete self-defence strategy and give a practitioner a greater understanding of body movement. The two martial arts are not mutually exclusive and can be used together to create a powerful self-defence system.

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How similar are Taichi and Aikido?

How similar are Taichi and Aikido?

16 Feb 2023

Taichi and Aikido are two forms of martial arts that share a common origin and many common principles. Both arts rely on relaxation, body awareness, and the channeling of energy to generate power. Taichi is characterized by slow, circular motions and is often practiced as a form of meditation. Aikido focuses on developing control and balance, and deals with redirecting an opponent's energy in order to neutralize the attack. Despite having many similarities, the two arts are distinct in many ways, most notably in their approach to self-defense. While Taichi emphasizes a more defensive strategy, Aikido encourages more active defense, as well as offense.

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