Why do people go along with and promote fake martial artists?
25 January 2023

The Psychology Behind Why People Follow Fake Martial Artists

Examining the Culture of Fake Martial Arts

In recent years, the martial arts world has seen a proliferation of fake martial artists. These are people who claim to be experts in martial arts, but have little to no real experience or training. While it can be difficult to understand why people would go along with and promote these fake martial artists, it’s important to look at the culture of martial arts to better understand the phenomenon.

The martial arts world is a unique culture. It is often characterized by a strong sense of loyalty, respect, and honor. This creates an environment where people are willing to trust those who claim to be martial arts experts and assume they have the knowledge and experience they claim to have. This can make it easier for fake martial artists to gain a following and find people willing to promote them.

Another factor in why people go along with and promote fake martial artists is the “guru effect”. This is when people are drawn to someone who claims to have secret knowledge or expertise in a particular area. People may be attracted to the idea of learning from someone who has secret knowledge or skills, and this can make it easier for fake martial artists to gain followers.

Finally, the martial arts world is often a mix of different styles and beliefs. This can make it difficult for people to distinguish between a real martial artist and a fake one. People may be more likely to accept a fake martial artist if they don’t have enough knowledge to properly assess the person’s level of expertise.

Ultimately, it’s important to understand the culture of martial arts in order to better understand why people go along with and promote fake martial artists. By looking at the loyalty, respect, and honor often found in the martial arts world, as well as the “guru effect” and the potential difficulty of assessing someone’s level of expertise, we can gain a better understanding of why people are willing to go along with and promote these fake martial artists.

The Dangers of Believing in Fake Martial Arts

How to Spot a Fake Martial Artist

People often go along with and promote fake martial artists due to a lack of knowledge or understanding of the martial arts. Fake martial artists are often those who claim to have certain levels of expertise or to be able to teach a certain style, but in reality, they are not qualified or experienced enough to do so.

In order to avoid being fooled by these people, it is important to know how to spot a fake martial artist. The following are a few ways to identify a fake martial artist:

1. Look for credentials. A legitimate martial artist should have some form of certification from a reputable school or organization. Make sure to do your research and verify that the credentials are valid.

2. Ask for references. Any martial artist worth their salt should have a list of references to back up their claims. Ask for the names of former students or instructors and contact them to get their opinions.

3. Look for experience. Fake martial artists often lack experience in the martial arts. Ask them questions about their experience, such as how long they have been training or how many tournaments they have participated in.

4. Research their style. Fake martial artists often claim to teach a certain style, but in reality, they may only know a few moves. Look into the style they are teaching and make sure it is a legitimate martial art.

By knowing how to spot a fake martial artist, you can save yourself from being fooled and help protect the integrity of the martial arts.

The Growth of Fake Martial Arts in Popular Culture